Currently have limited spots available. To book please email under contact us tab or call/text to set up an appointment. Only available to existing clients or new pediatric clients 0-18M
Divergent Therapy is a massage and manual osteopathic therapy clinic in Regina that can help decrease dysfunction and pain in your body. Contact us today at (306) 580 7796 or book online to find out how.
Massage Therapy
Benefits of massage therapy include improved circulation, reduced stress and anxiety, and relief from muscle tension and pain. Massage therapy can also improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, and promote tissue regeneration. If you're looking for a natural way to improve your overall health and well-being, massage therapy is a great option.
Craniosacral Therapy
The craniosacral system is also known as the parasympathetic system of our body. While working with the craniosacral system of your body we are able to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system creating a calming and healing environment. Leaving you feeling refreshed, light and so relaxed.
Myofascial Release
Tuning into the fascia system we are able to follow the lines of tension and see where the tissue is not fluidly moving, creating restrictions in your body. Using sustained pressure and waiting for the tissue to melt before taking up slack to allow the ground substance and matrix to refill. Allowing for more slide and glide in our layers of tissue ie. freedom with movement!
Using proper assessment and correcting positions we are able to gently bring your bones into better alignment. Our pelvis is the foundation for our body so if our coccyx, sacrum, iliums or pelvic floor are off we are going to see compensation throughout the rest of the body. With osteoarticulation we are able to quickly bring your body back into proper alignment without cracking or popping.
Visceral Manipulation
When viscera are in dysfunction or pain they send continual neurological signals via autonomic sensory fibers to the spinal cord. Over time this can cause a facilitated segment at the affected level resulting in dysfunction at the level or cord. This is one of the many reasons you come in with back pain and we end up working on the anterior abdomen releasing viscera allowing the dysfunction at the spinal cord to resolve itself and the back pain is no longer felt.
Manual Lymphatic Therapy
Our lymphatic system needs clear roads to be able to function fully. What does this mean? If there are obstructions, compressions or tightness along the pathway the lymph fluid is more likely to get trapped causing edema and sometimes pain in that area.
About Divergent Therapy
Founded in 2022, Divergent Therapy brings together therapeutic massage and manual osteopathic therapy with a focus on alignment in the body and calming the nervous system. We can help you create an internal environment of balance and health and set you up to reach your full potential. Contact us today at (306) 580 7796 or submit an email through “Contact Us” to book a osteopathic practioner near you.
“To find health should be the object of the physician. Anyone can find disease.”
— Andrew T. Still (Founder of Osteopathy)